30 August, 2007

Post-JesusCamp Post.

urm.. yeah.
so i watched Jesus Camp yesterday. it's mindblowing to say the least ^^
for starters, there's CHRISTIAN TECHNO! i mean.. how cool is that!! =D i so wanna grab some of that haha! i'll be dancing all day and all night! XD
well, aside from that, the documentary is focused on evangelical christians, and no offense, they're cool in the way that they are; but as much as i believe that everyone should not be ignorant of politics, i do not enjoy either the indoctrination of political views into religious teachings. the reason quoted was that America is God's nation, or rather, "a Nation under God", but i'll have to read up on that. *oh boy.. american history.. shudder =p but seriously, major turning points in american history are sooooo interesting! declaration of independence (thomas jefferson), gettysburg address (lincoln), i have a dream speech (martin luther king jr), .. ... and many others! ^^ (i quote these coz these r the ones i've actually read up a little =,='")*

but honestly, how many of you believe that the war we're meant to fight, being God's army, is to be fought on this world? raise your hands so i can see you! no? none? good.
coz the battle we have to fight is not the battle without, but within. we fight sin. we fight temptations. we fight ourselves, and satan. we fight in the spiritual realm, and our short lives (despite rising life expectancies.. yad-dah-yah-dah-day.. =p) is but a stepping stone to prepare ourselves for the world beyond. call me moderate, call me conservative, but heh, though i'm not sure i can do it now, i'm working towards the day when i can say i WILL die for God, and i believe all men of faith (and women. fine. damn gender discrimination laws =p) will be able to do so too. to stand up to others for your faith.

that doesn't mean we should take a confrontational stance. John15:18-21, and John16:1-4 (yes i found the verses! so happy!). basically, we WILL be marginalised, for who we are. but we must stand strong, and faithful, for we are the truth-bearers. there was no talk of fighting, conflicts, aggression.

and back to politics. if the founding fathers of America were to see modern America, they'd be turnin in their graves. America was not meant to be a global peacekeeper. America was supposed to be a sovereign entity, proclaiming liberty and prosperity to the world. and to hell with earthly conflicts like those of the balkans, like those of the taiwanese. they're neither a vital interest to america, nor are they a threat to the liberty of the country. as for sept 11, usa can only blame themselves for inciting it. it was precisely due to their global interventionist (read hegemony) policies that churned up osama bin laden and his never-ending production line of extremists. it has to stop somewhere, so either you go all out and take over middle east for your own, or you defend what you can and leave middle east alone, as cruel as it sounds.

but that's american politics, and i'm a singaporean, so lets talk abit more about matters closer to home.

have you realise something amiss in the recent years? do you feel that singapore society is moving towards a foreign direction? you know, you might be right. more and more, developments are shaping towards the construction of a new elite class, that of political clout, and an immunity to all threats, both militarily, legally, and financially. increase pay, laws that prevent slander and transparency of politicians, shifting contituency.. what we're seeing are attempts in preservation of power by the majority political power, and because it's so subtle, no one in singapore is making a genuine attempt against it! we're giving concession to them because 1) they're the "founding fathers of singapore" 2) they're bringing in the moolah 3) they're efficient. a little too efficient i say. where's the heart?

socialism is quite a dirty word, so is welfarism. even our dear LKY doesn't call himself a socialist-democrat anymore. i believe the label now is dictator, tho i'll be sued for slander haha. nah, in honesty, he's no more of a dictator than bush is, but he does hold considerable influence, and his ideals are not necessarily best for the people of singapore. good for singapore, yes; for the people of singapore? i'm not so sure.

what we're seeing is statistical growth, but broken down in sectors, we see singapore's growth being propelled by the top 20% of the population, with the growth of the last 20% less significant. i'm not quoting facts, so do not take my perspective for truth, but if i recall, the growth of singapore's last 20% is slower than the growth of the top 20%, and if that's the truth, that's bad. real bad. not sure if singapore stats board has the details, and even if they do, they probably won't release them =p haha.

so sue me for caring for singaporeans. the opposition are working with the heartlanders not because they'll get propelled to electoral victories on the back of a majority class, but because it's us heartlanders that'll bear the brunt of the eliti-cising of the PAP political class. don't u feel the vibes? even the "middle-class" is starting to feel anxiety, feeling insecure. there's a reason for it, and i assure you it's not just paranoia =p

i watched bourne ultimatum yesterday too! nice =) tho i missed the 1st 15min =,='"
... ... and that was out of point haha =p that, and i lost my train of thought after shutting my comp down =p i'm picking up this post from where i left off 10hrs ago =p

i'd like to bring to attention the lyrics of "Hanging by a Moment" - by Lifehouse. quoted from http://www.lifehousefans.com/lyrics/nonamelyrics.html.
it goes..
"Desperate for changing
Starving for truth
Closer to where I started
Chasing After you

I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held on to
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with You"

About what is holy and what is not holy, in the eyes of God. Of what practises in a church is right or wrong.. who are we to judge? we are but humans, mere mortals. we may feel strongly for something, or against it, but don't let worldly cares hold sway of your heart. 1Thessalonians5:19-22. "Do not restrain the Holy Spirit; do not despise inspired messages. Put all things to the test: keep what is good and avoid every kind of evil." yes indeed. who else knows best, but God himself? put all things to the test. spiritually, for we cannot attest to it's being good or not except through God's judgement. Amen.

to Jo, with regards to our debate about gay and homosexuality. I am not anti-gays, neither do i attempt to change their lifestyle. I respect their decision. but at the same time, I'm Christian. so though I do not discriminate and judge, neither should I condone "heathen acts". Romans1:27. "In the same way the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrongdoing."

I am not a holy man, but that doesn't mean I should sink into despair. For I am saved, and I can repent. So can you :)
p.s. all Bible quotations are quoted from New Life Good News Bible.

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27 August, 2007

labels and idiots..

i'm ambrose.
i'm not a genius.
i'm not a comp whiz.
i'm not an atm machine.
i'm not at a comp 24/7.
i'm not your betting outlet.
i'm not your quick-fix hotline.

why am i getting angry over stupid stuff?
i should juz get over n shut up.. but i can't!

i'm not a computer whiz, but anyone who's played computer games should at least know what a hard drive is and how to use "My Computer".
File sharing etiquette. if the file sent is not a jpg,bmp,mp3,mp4 file ie. exe, zip, blah, verify with sender 1st before d/l. and don't open programs you don't know. else if you kena virus, you only have yourself to blame. keep AVG or a form of anti-virus running whenever u're online. it's primitive, n not necessary helpful, but it's a form of defence still.
constantly clean up your comp. disk defrag, disk cleanup, scandisk are great friends to your computer's health. USE THEM. laggy operations may not be due to a virus but your own mismanagement.
running programs of high RAM consumption is also another cause for worry. if you're over-clocking your system, then take extra care of it. else you'll just burn it out. (like my graphics card with my desktop).
i'm not perfect, and i dun follow all these, but please PLEASE try to solve your own problems before coming to me. i do do that and i hope others will do the same too. i have my own problems too. feel priviledged that i'm helping you. i don't always have to.

i'm broke. my students keep cancelling on me. and i've little money left. i hate taking from my parents. i'm cash-strapped. watching a movie is killing me. buying lunch is killing me. i worry for tmw. and i'm not gonna get from my parents.
my timetable's killing me. it's so pack. i finally have some respite on wed. i'm gonna watch a movie or two on that day. DON'T deny me of it.
i don't mind lending money, but please check if you've the capabilities to return it. a rough timeline as to when u can return would be nice too. "as soon as possible" is ok, if you don't mind me nagging for a return every few days. i hate feeling broke, knowing i have money elsewhere. though the amount is insignificant, i still hate it.

why are some ppl so bloody talented, smart, gifted, while others are just #$&#$%&# dumb?? why is it that sometimes, a person can fall under both catergories?? i mean, it's cool if you're one or the other, but when you're both, it's hard not to get angry. i'm stuck in the dumb catergory, and i admit it. but why oh why are there ppl of lesser intellect than me? it's excruciating. it's ok to be slow, it's not ok to be dense when you're more talented and smarter than me.

i hate.. i'm just angry right now. and i can't think straight. SHUT UP.

i should start making use of labels. they may be of use to both me and all you guys. so, let the 128th post mark the post i start using labels. heh.

The following are shows I wanna grab.
Jesus Camp - documentary. screening this week at GV Europa. SMS me if you wanna watch with me. be quick. I'm watching on wed, with or without you.
The World's Fastest Indian - grabbing DVD (I hope). And I hope to find time to watch it.

Also: 881, Secret, Ratatouille, The Bourne Ultimatum.

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i don't wanna talk about it....

Addiction. The way you feel when you're hooked on something. Comfort zone, and refusing to break out. Nothing's impossible. You just refuse to do it.
Love. It's not just a feeling. It's not quantifiable. Saying "I love you more than he does" should be banned. So should "I love you a lot". Love should not be restricted to usage between couples and family members. Love transcends. English should create a new word for love between couples. They should also create a quantifiable noun to describe love.
And... you know i'm talking crap =p

Time. I can't seem to stop wasting time. I keep running away. Bumming. I get work done nowadays, but I sure can be more efficient about it.

Driving. Loved driving, still love driving, will always love driving. Rented car over wkend. I'd say I spent at least a quarter of my life over the weekend in that Ford Laser. Feels good. Confirms my priority for my future. Car > House. Period.
Also found out that I can't really drive slow and steady. I mounted curb 2-3 times over the wkend, and 2 of the time i recall taking extra effort going slow, and i know i can clear easily if i travelled normally. I give up. I'll stick to fast acceleration. I'm more comfortable with that. Doesn't mean I'll break the speed limit, though I can. ^_^
i wonder... can i drift with ABS? hmmm....

run. i sux. jo mentioned her pet distance. 100m ><'" i'll say mine: 5km. i mean.. was. used to love 5km runs in army. now i can't even do 6km.... i stopped at 3km mark for sheares bridge run. i'm WEAK. *cry* and jo, don't think i can take part in the New Balance Run. you're on your own girl. Good luck!!

i want to sleep.....

23 August, 2007


Do you feel it, Singaporeans?
can you feel the shift in power?
don't you see a concentration of power?
fear of oppression creeps in, does it not?

fear not, for we have alternatives! for every concentration of power, wherein there exists a single entity as a focal point for power, there will exist a counterbalance; an opposing pull away from that focal point, in direct polar opposite of that mentioned entity. there might exist little or no difference of ideas, approach, philosophies, but it'll still exist, oppose, and contest, for that is the nature of power.
The balancing act: Worker's Party.
yeah we have SDP and the other parties that make up the SDA, but i'll just use WP for today.
this year, WP turns 50! that's a long time, and a feat indeed given our country's administration. so just a shout-out to oppositions.. you're not alone!

Sylvia Lim had this to say in last month's parliament speech. read, and know more about the going-ons of our nation. I know the readers of my blog are aged above 16. so you're a young adult to be, or you already ARE an adult, however youthful. it's time we took the initiative to know more about our country. it's OUR country, and shouldn't live in political ignorance nor apathy. in good times, we take things for granted. in bad times, we clamour for improvement. in both situations, we turn our backs on our dear opposition, the counterweight in our politics that keeps our country alive and sane. why not take advantage of the good times, and explore what our alternatives have to offer? or better yet, what we have to offer as an alternative to our Lightning-wielding leaders?

missed the National Day Rally Speech 2007? didn't catch the translations? missed out on points? just wanna review it? http://www.sprinter.gov.sg/index.html. don't say don't have. i noe u all (including myself) brought up in Singapore's spoon-fed education system generation. so na! i feed you! go read!

in school now, and work's piling up. worst thing is, i'm lacking in the determination department to start clearing my pile of work. well, now that i've blogged it... ...i'll go slack somewhere haha =,='"
addicted to "This ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" by Fall Out Boys. one day... i'm gonna figure out the meaning to the words. sounds deep.. many layers.. more than meets the eye.. ... -,-'" meh...

consumerism. marketing. pop culture.
last year, if you were aged 20 and above, collects all things transformers, you're deemed retro, old-school/fashioned, geek.
this year, if you sport anything transformers, you're cool, "in", pop, with the trend.
it's disgusting. i hate it.
i think i'm beginning to think like a marxist. heh. means i better read up on what it means to be a marxist, doesn't it? haha =p i even approach economics like a marxist, preferring a holistic solution to a perceptual quick-fix. or.. have i misunderstood what it means to be a marxist?? hmm. i must think.

edited! found the following vid on youtube. kudos to the producer of this. outspoken, direct, in-your-face harsh and sometimes vulgar, but heh, it's a good summary haha. Warning: info in the following clip may not be accurate. watch and accept at your discretion.

22 August, 2007

Remnants of a past left behind

wow.. that's.... alot of posts in one night.
was browsing when i stumbled on these. a glimpse into a past, untouchably familiar, uncomfortably foreign.
And.. WoW. the things i did when i was semi-hardcore...

lastly, my timetable for this semester.
i'm so nice ain't i? =p

edited: I should patent this.. Ambrose's Guide to Happyness. http://www.geocities.com/axtremec/happyness.htm

p.s. all links are done by me. interested in the coding, just contact me and i'll pass the html to you. i've forgotten how i did all of them already haha. yes i was primitive. still stuck with html =p
p.p.s. now you know how i waste my time away =p

Price Discrimination

I've just been a victim of price discrimination.
This is an example of economics in action, people!
My friend just made her livejournal "friends only"..
No idea why, but well, being a friend, i decided to "send in my application".
when there's a high demand for a goods, if you up your "price" (ie make ppl put in more effort), you'll still profit from it =)

err... i think i'm just crappy lah.
and over-sensitive =,='"
almost didn't wanna login my livejournal account lah!
but... i guess for some things, for some people, i'm willing to set my pride aside.

sheesh.. no wonder i'm always so moody.. i'm so sensitive and petty! zomg...
everything also find fault onez haha... ...
somewhere in the messy-ness that's me, therein lies a closet perfectionist LOL... oxymoron to the max man =p


" 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.' " - Holy Bible, New International Version

" 'Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.' " - New Life Good News Bible

I had to blog this down, lest I forget.
We all proclaim the consistency of the Bible, but here's an example of consistency between translations. Here we have two versions of the Bible, but in both cases, the word yoke is used.
I wondered, "what's so significant about the word yoke?" so i searched up the word (click on link to see my search results).
what I discovered is the complexity and profound-ness of message in so simple a 3 verses. In the usage of the word yoke, the Bible has conveyed a few points across.

1) the most obvious one, is that Jesus is letting you carry His burdens, and because He has none, "the yoke I will give you is easy, ..."
2) yoke also means authority. in accepting His yoke ("Take my yoke upon you/and put it on you..") we are submitting to His authority, his will. it dictates, it proclaims, it reiterates, the fact that we are submitting, with humility, into his servitude, as created to Creator. (and i mean all this in a positive manner)
3) in that same phrase, yoke also takes on the meaning of join, coupled. This highlights the fact that in coming to Christ, it's more than merely coming to Him, you're accepting Him into YOUR life; just as you let the Holy Spirit enter and work with you, such is the case when you take upon His yoke.

I know i've oversimplified. I know my expression may be found wanting. But these are my views. And I'm so happy I've found it I HAVE to share it with the world.. (the world that reads my blog anyway). I guess I gotta start asking people to reread Matthews 11:28-30 =)


You've heard of the Columbia High massacre.
You've heard of the suicide bombers.
You've heard of the walking timebombs.
You've heard them being labelled loners.
You've heard WRONG.

They're pseudoloners. People casted out of society. OUTCASTS. People who've been rejected. And in their inability to acquire what by right is in their nature of being, ie acceptance by society, they've turned to acting as a loner; in being unable to gain acceptance, they in turn decide to exact revenge by destroying the very thing they seek. Hence the massacre. Hence the psychokillings.

Some people just prefer being alone. They don't get depressed by it, they feel liberated.
I'm not one of them. Sure I HATE crowds, but that doesn't mean I dislike company. Sure I prefer being alone most of the time; doesn't mean I like being alone all the time. I enjoy acceptance, I have friendships, and yet time and again I shoot myself in my foot.
Everytime I draw closer, I push away. It's not that I hate people, it's because I hate myself.
The fact that I can never enter a close and lasting relationship with any individual stems from my self-condemnation, my self-hate, and the anger that's provoked by that hate.
It's a self-perpetuating cycle. I know it, I hate it, and I can't run away from it. It's a lethal addiction. It's a safety net. It's the fort I've built to defend myself. From me..

I claim to not understand myself. Perhaps it's not my inability to comprehend myself, nor is it me not taking the time to judge myself. Maybe it's me, too scared to admit, too scared to change, too scared to face, what I really am. The demon that is me. The other side of me.

Is it innate, that some people conform to society, while others rebel? Why is it, that some people seek the shelter of conformity, while others shoot down conformity like a rabid dog? In rebelling, some are labelled brave, innovative, creative; while others yet are labelled psychotic, murderers, delinquents.
Aren't I not like that? Not liking what I've been stuck with, I rebelled against the system that I existed in. I chose a life of "slackhood", and departed from the norm of "muggerism". I took a liking for a genre of music most people loathe. I revelled in my label as an outcast.

Am I becoming what I loathe? Is it only now, that reality comes crashing down, that I've become sober from the high of adolesence? Why the sudden craze to study, and study hard? Nay. It's not that I'm "coming to my senses" (as society decrees). If I am, I wouldn't be publicising my change.
Nay. It's just that my rebellion has come full-circle, and now, I'm hell-bent on rebelling the very label I've forged. Will I succeed?
Or am I too addicted, too distracted, by my life of old? Am I like the boulder in the river, ever steady, refusing to budge; till one day, the wear and tear on me, as on the boulder, grow too great a burden to bear, and with the current i'm swept away, a pebble in the myraid of particles washed away by the currents of the river, the currents of time... forever lost.

My blog. My sanctuary. The window to me. The essence of me. Tinted and warped by my subjective presentation. My billboard to the world. I seek the comfort of hearing my own voice. And grow to hate it ever more.
And so ends the 122nd post of my blog. Hur-rah.. hur-rah.. and the world celebrates, the world of one. Me.

Gotta hate my self-centredness =p

p.s. disclaimer: this post may/may not be true. it is, however, heavily dramatised.
p.p.s. to prevent plagarism, i'd like to quote the following book(s) as sources of inspiration
Party of One: The Loners' Manifesto by Anneli Rufus
any psychology materials that i've come across in the past few days of my life.

19 August, 2007

The start of something new... and the death of me

added a few stuff overdue on my blog. namely, backlink and comments. feel free to utilize these functions. u regulars should noe how they're used =p
pictures: i don't take pictures, and if i do, i can't upload them. so don't expect any of them. i'm quite faceless online. what you see is what i describe to ya. pure text. the way mmorpg used to be (think mud and text+turn based games like utopia and archmage)

Guys. in a world championing meritocracy, it's a surprise that males still hold a major share of the power pie. n i doubt it's coz of the bout of irrationality that all members of the fairer sex are prone to once-in-a-month. sheesh.. in that statement, i could be sued for gender discrimination haha... the problem with me is, i wholly agree with females; in that, they deserve more say in this world. that they have risen to the challenges of the modern world more aptly than their testosterone driven counterparts. the problem with the world is, they see me as a guy, so i'm still collectively dissed for being a power-grabber with a groin for a brain.

two incidents i wanted to blog about last wk (that i obviously failed to). both involve guys who've drank too much. ya noe, gotten drunk. 1st, X, Y, and Z went out clubbing (X,Y,Z are males). X opened 2 bottles and said "enjoy". he drank some, but not much. Z held his liquor well. Y, on the other hand, got drunk. like.. piss dead drunk. soon, he lost control of himself; ie. he started behaving like his only head was the one down south. he started getting feely with X's female fren, and well.. became excessively clingy. shockingly, but really nice of X's fren, she didn't hit Y, nor did she push him away. she did try to get away, but was pretty nice about it. Z wanted to punch Y really bad.. but didn't due to X's intervention. they managed to pull Y away and restore Y's original gentleman dignity.. .... which Y promptly responded by puking all over the streets. *yuck* 2nd, A, D, E, and frenz went out clubbing. A's the storyteller, and that's about all i know bout A's participation in this scenario. E got awfully drunk, and as with 1st story, he got touch-feely with a girl. the difference is, the girl is the girl D likes. when persuasion failed (which wasn't much coz they're males, and pointless coz E is drunk), D punched E. scuffle ensued, and E was rewarded with a cleared head, and a trip to the hospital. D got arrested, or detained at least. last i heard, E's considering suing D. note tho, that A,D, E and gang are all frenz. sad ain't it?
i'm embarassed to call myself a guy.

26th August. morn: 6km run. Sheares Bridge run. heh. short run i know. hope i meet my personal expectations. i haven't been running as much as i like to. though my stamina and strength have improved =) IPPT should be the next in order =) afternoon: a trip to granny's place. to shower, rest, n celebrate midautuum festival. evening: can't stay long at granny's place, coz got a 21st to attend. JY's bday bash. i wonder what's the theme for it... ... *prays it's not white*

the economics analogy of the professional pool player. economics models are sometimes based on unrealistic assumptions, but that does not render the model useless in predicting reality. the analogy: to hit a pool ball, the player has to solve a series of complicated differential equations such that the target ball and cue ball moves according to plan. however, does the player actually solves these equations? no. so likewise, models predict reality like the equations predict the plan and movement of the ball. reality however, dictates otherwise, as does the player, who doesn't need to solve, but rather goes by judgement, experience, and technical expertise in execution.
do i agree with this? well, i gotta admit it's a great analogy, but it's a little hard for me to stomach. i mean, sure, the model works for this generation of economy, but what if the economy evolves? shifts? change. can the model with the unrealistic assumptions accomodate to the changes. shouldn't economics aspire to develop a more generic model? that's able to predict market movements/economic growths to as high a level of accuracy as possible? i'll have to read deeper into the theories and models of economics that people are applying today. i know some have been rather accurate. but there's always a new proposal every decade or two, and isn't that because of the evolving nature of real economics? vs classroom economics.

i think i really do prefer to be alone. sometimes =)

listened to parts of the National Day Rally Speech 2007. would love to read the transcript soon =) PM Lee isn't a fantastic speaker, but he does have a certain degree of charisma. enough to charm and lead =) the points made in the rally are good. there's a positive direction, and there's hope of solutions to the Singapore layman's troubles. though some might disagree with the changes made (i myself may disagree to afew upon further analysis), i'd like to say that the singapore govt, as always, has never disappointed in terms of efficiency.
i'm still voting for opposition tho, coz i do believe that parliament has a serious lack of an alternative voice. sure it might slow some legislation down, but i rather know that there're people fighting for what they believe in than knowing that it's all submission to an overwhelming majority of people in white. why'd ya think the French revolution started? =p ppl juz couldn't stand being talked down to by aristocrats =p
pungol21+ looks lovely tho =) and i need to read up on HDB policies and regulations.. ...

i need to do alot of things huh? well, problem is, i don't. i'm a dreamer. not a thinker, a dreamer. i'm not a doer, i'm a slacker.

Accounting exams are 2-3wks away. i'm nervous. i need more practise. dammit.

i'll stop here. and i'll end with a little thought bubble... ... "It gets lonelier at the top."
America, in her quest for global hegemony, has made the world turn their back on her. it's the balance of power. in the concentration of power in a single sovereign entity, there will ensue as a counterbalance, the consolidation of power against that entity. to read more... ... "A Republic, Not an Empire" by Patrick J. Buchanan. though written just before the turn of the century, it still remains an accurate description of the future of our world.

14 August, 2007

Breaking the Duck....

Finally broke the 200 duck.
Since JC, or at least more than a year if i did break it within the last 2 years in NUS bowling... haven't had a 200+ game.
today, i hit a 214. and it was a perfect 9-pin tap game. All 1st throw were 9 or strike. i like =)
release still not as consistent, but at least now i know WHAT to look out for and WHERE i'm going wrong. i'm making major improvements.
oh yeah... i'm talking about bowling =p
also had 4beggar and turkey. sweet =)

urm.. what else.. dragging kor to NUS catholic society welcome tea this thurs.. anyone wanna crash? =) and... school started.. bz bz wk... and more to come.
k shan't chat. that's all for now. i'm back to bowling and school!

and damn mark n edwin for getting back to WoW... NOW -,-'" i think i'll give up the idea of ever raiding with them. i've not the time nor $$ to keep up with them. studies and $$ making comes 1st... and food and sleep above all worldly things =D God should always be above all that of course =p SHOULD be..... i need to reorder some of my priorities -,-'" lol... ...

oh, and thanks brigette!! for helping my fren... if u ever read my blog newayz... -,-'" meh.

11 August, 2007

a little thing kor said..

auggie kor said something like this "you praised God, and God rewarded you"
haha it was so coincidental, u start doubting it's coincidence =p
what happened. after Jo's combined cg thing, met up w kor for dinner
after which, i camped out at his place while he changed to meet his frenz.
we both thought i'd missed the last train.
then we talked about working tmw and waking up, so i told him about the waking up story.. u noe, the one i blogged about in the previous post.
just when i finished, and we both were like "wow", the mrt station announced the last train to boon lay.
and that's where that line fits in. yeah. wow heh? =)
God takes care of me ^^ (the alternative was a cab ride home with midnight charges.. not enticing to my finances i assure you. it did tempt my innate sloth characteristics though =p)

meh.. if you guys find my recent posts very.. urm.. about God? please don't mind it. it's just that, i've nothing else much to blog about at the moment. all else is mundane everyday stuff. if you miss my ranting and bitching posts... don't worry, they may just come back! wait till my crunch periods haha =p

p.s. kor.. miss u lots lots. good to see you again :) don't smoke too much pls =p and... i noe u won't read this anyway muahaha ^_^

06 August, 2007

urm. it was a sunday...

happy bday brigette!
urm. fun hanging out w you guys.. ie mark's OG. weird if i called it my OG lol =p
come come. lemme tell you a miracle.
i woke up early today w/o alarm clock! =D still late for church tho LOL
coz i got a lil distracted settling some other stuff -,-'"

but like.. how did i do that?! i have to tell you all this, coz it's so wonderful! there's no simpler explanation. God.
it goes like this. at bout 3.50am, b4 i went to sleep, i decided to off my alarm clock. but i really wanted to go church still. so i said a prayer. i prayed that, God willing, i'll wake up early later, bout 8.45am, so i can make it to church. after that prayer, i focused on my prayer, and poured my faith into it, till i zonked out into slumberland =p
guess what time i opened my eyes? 8.45am =) AMAZING huh?! i mean... totally AWESOME! no reason to do that again tonight tho. i'd like a fruitful rest this night =)

i simply LOVE rev edmund de souza's sermons! not once do they fail to make me laugh =p not being offensive, but they're actually entertaining! but yeah.. point taken n learnt from today's sermon =p skipped communion tho to rush for gathering *abashed*

man utd won the community shield! yay! and van der sar was simply AWESOME in the shootouts. i mean... 3/3 saved! amazing.. both things played good. so i guess a draw was fair =) the season's starting again! whoopee! bliss =)

n now, i'm tired. i wanna sleep. and i have 2 library books overdue by 2wks. i'm sooooo dead =p

04 August, 2007

Blind faith + Child-like innocence

c'mon everybody! everybody get hooked on the catch phrase of the day!
Blind faith, child-like innocence! wooohoo!!
leads to a better life... if you invest your faith in the right option :)

there is life, there is YOUR life, and there is time.
self-centered ppl focus on THEIR life, and only THEIR life.
dreamers focus on life, and death, and all else in between.
workaholics focus on time.
k. random ramblings. skip. NEXT!

i'm amazed. i just looked back at life. and i realised something.
there's a force greater outside of the physical world as we know it.
a force that transcends the confines of space and time.
that defies human comprehension.
you think back of everything that has happened in your life, or well, anything that u care to remember, good or bad, n u'll find some meaning in it.
a reason.
a change.
an answer.

God. Thank You.
Love you deep deep lots lots *muackz*
"and the whole world rejoice and shout 'I believe!!!'"

humans are flawed. accept that. because we are gifted with a free will, it can always be our curse. choices differ. conflicts unavoidable. but heh. this is earth. :) not heaven, not hell. we have a choice here, and it doesn't have to be right or perfect =p enjoy, accept, understand, learn. there's something else after learn.... ... but i can't remember -,-'"
too sleepy. tired.....

ZzZzZzzZzzzzZZzzzzzz,,,, ...................

03 August, 2007

A very short post.

coz i'm sleepy.
1) i've got the whole harry potter series brand new and up for grabs... ... if you promise to take good care of it and only for a loan. i may not have time to "hardcore read" the series like i did for wheel of time series coz that kinda screwed up my previous semester (yes books can be addictive too. imagine skipping lectures to read a book..) so yeah. i may start reading it, but it's way behind my queue of books, so if u want i can loan you 1st.
2) happy birthday Auntie! Mark's mum's birthday today :) oh and happy birthday to jingying and eve! their birthdays coming up soon =p
3) thanks mark for being with me. really enjoy your company.
4) thanks again for bringing me to watch transformers. i didn't regret it one bit =D
5) gd night everyone :)