30 July, 2006

Introducing: Madamé

I'm proud to present, Madamé. My pride.. my glory.. n oh is she soooo beautiful! doesn't she look like Jean Grey? Check out that outfit! isn't it to-die-for?? wuu.. i'm in love....

yes this IS a WoW character, n yes she's MY character. No i'm not going to "chase/woo" her >.< BUT... aww she's sooo beautiful... explains why i'm seldom on Silentstalkr nowadays haha =p

For my ctprofile of Madamé, click here. Also, click HERE for more pictures. Please Please click n see -grinz- tata for now ^_^

26 July, 2006


We love youtube. We love WoW. We love movies n we STILL love WoW.
Welcome to World of Warcraft. But more than that, i just GOTTA link this site.
the famed "Rise of the Living Dead" WoW Machinima. enjoy ;) it'll take more than 30min, so grab your coke n popcorns ;)
For more machinima, visit http://www.machinima.com.
For WoW vids, also visit http://www.warcraftcinema.com. and http://www.warcraftmovies.com. I personally prefer the former ;)

On a side note, bidding starts... TODAY! round 0 CORS bidding will be starting soon. readers of my blog from NUS, TAKE HEED! ^^

wanted to put up a 2nd side note, but i think it's too long. just about me getting sick of guild. missing so many fun times w fun pple. i'm a pple person. no pple no fun >.< WoW gets dull w/o some pple. new pple takes time to warm up to.. guild squabbles over rag fight. warrs go on strike.. no BWL... heck i'm asked to go on pointless runs like ZG (except for rep.. but ZG is a bore..) MC is so much more fun.. but then again no loot for me.. not much n i won't get them newayz.. Kopi feels different.. Hui is trying to move the guild forward, but too much has been lost. the guild has lost it's identity.. mayb it's time to move on..
Madamé (warlock on Aman'tul), here i come? heck. i give. i'll.. just be me.

school's starting. lemme kill my brain. man i'm getting depressed over WoW? sheesh..
nah it ain't WoW. it's losing the friends from WoW. yup. that's about it. I hate making friends. just gives me more friends to lose.. ;(
Explains previous post n solitude. quote Mark: "you're clamin' up into your shell again bro.. come out!" hmm.. nay.. i'll consider again.. later =p
i'm not making sense m i? ... ... ... ...

21 July, 2006

logic of irrationality

Mum sets curfew at 1am. at 1am, i have to shutdown the comp.
reason: mum wanna sleep.
DO YOU SEE THE LINK?? I don't.. (com in hall, mum in room. opposite ends of house..)
reason2: mum wants me to sleep.
then why doesn't she stop me using the laptop in my room till late? she doesn't care.. she just wants me to off the comp.
reason3: save electricity.
>.< .... c'mon. i wasn't at home the whole afternoon, n i only played 2hr after dinner!
reason4: i want to get your sleeping habits right.
JUST BECAUSE I SLEEP AT DIFFERENT TIMES THAN U DOESN'T MEAN IT'S WRONG! i still get 6hrs of sleep, i still feel fresh in the morn, i don't fall ill, so where the FUCK m i sleeping wrongly??? and i AM adjusting my sleeping timings FYI.. stupid...

soo.. irrationality rules.. coz she's my mum, n i'm her son. that's the ONLY reason.
I bet my mum just wanna see me quit WoW. WHY SHOULD I? coz it's eating up my $$?? COME OFF IT! I SPEND MORE GOING OUT IN ONE DAY THAN I DO WITH A MONTH OF WoW!! >.< FUCK YOU ALL with your stupid SOCIALISING ideas. I INTERACT WITH PPLE ONLINE TOO!
Socalising is good for you.. FUCK YOU. Socalising more exposes the materialistic nature of humans, their exploitive intentions, their flaws which WILL eventually lead to conflicts n ultimately create ENEMIES. so WHY THE FUCK would i wanna go out n WASTE TIME? LEMME enjoy my solitude.. FUCK OFF.

Kz. I'm happy with my burst of anger on this site. I can TRY to sleep with ease. FYI, Mum DOESN'T KNOW BEST. God does. of course, that's depending on whether God does exists anot. If he does, he IS God, so he's SUPPOSED to be allknowing. If he's not, it's still TRUE! by logic, since what doesn't exist is null n void, n hence always true. DUH.. how can u claim null is false? STUPID!!

sick.. n tired.. of ties to pple. strings to the heart.. why do they hurt me so! LET ME CUT LOOSE OF THEM! I don't NEED PPLE! GET AWAY!!

p.s. u notice this post is totally irrational. i rest my case.

20 July, 2006

cool stuff i just gotta share.

haven't been updating, but you guys GOTTA watch this vid. i wish i can watch the full sequence. this bodybuilder rocks ^^
nono don't get turned off by bodybuilder, i promise u, this IS COOL.
check it out now ;)
kz will update more... soon...

10 July, 2006

Italy are World Cup Champions!

I haven't been blogging recently, but i just have to drop off this post before i dive back to my "busy" farming schedule on World of Warcraft. haha >.<
I was soooooo happy when that last goal went in. (damn i forgot who took the last penalty haha -,-'") I know many might be sianz.. but.. I'm not! ^^ sorry aussies that "those damn italian cheating bastards" won haha but i've liked them since... wow ages! haha, so.. *dances with joy* ^^
@ Weijie: If you're reading this.. FRANCE LOST! haha =p Revenge is yours! ^^ Wanted to share my joy with you but... you not on msn yesterday ;( hahaha =p
kkz that's all for now.
cya all back in school!
p.s. yes you too shroudie haha >.<