26 March, 2007

ha. ha. ha.

Hilarious. Just Flaming Hilarious. Ha.


p.s. sorry can't post youtube vid on my blog. din set up n i'm lazy to. giving me problems. stupid new google account crap. damn google.

22 March, 2007

Growing up

Sorry guys.
I need to grow up.
I'm stupid, irrational, and can't control my emotions. I'm immature and there's so many things that I can't figure up from down, right from wrong, left from right.
I stammer, stumble and fall.
I need time. Time to grow up.
Bloggy here is just a medium of expression so I can see what I am thinking. And you guys can read it too.
I'm running away again. I dunno when I'll come back, or what'll happen when I do.
But I will.
Thanks for playing with childish me. But I need to grow up. Sorry.

21 March, 2007


yay. juz back from watching 300. alone.
feels weird tho. ha.

read between the lines: i miss u.

newayz bout the movie.
it had:
a great artistic showcase of sensuality (boobfest),
amazing explicit expressions of love (sex),
outstanding cheography of movement (violence),
and timely usage of mindblowing effects (blood-filled gore).

u have to admit, the oracle's trance was sensual, and the ugly guy licking her sooo killed the scene ha =p
the persian general that went to the headsman? his death was so comical i almost burst into laughter! did u see his stupid expression on his flying head?! hahaha
and king leo's love scene with his queen? that was like a trailer to some porn flick -,-'"
but i have to admit, for the amount of sex n skin exposed, it was all very tastefully done.
except for the ugly dudes the spartans had to consult. Eww. *puke*
sure they did focus abit on the oracles boobs, n the queen's, but i guess they had to. it did bring the audience to a feel of that time. kinda.

what else.. oh yeah. stupid way for the son of the captain to die. real stupid. i mean. he's spartan right? n he didn't hear the horse coming. NOOB. see. love hurts =p for a spartan newayz.
n the king was sooo loser! i mean, instead of fighting to the end killing thousands of minions, he threw away his men juz to scratch the.. zurg-guy? i mean... Loser w a Capital L. haha.
n he still kneeled to him. Loser.
well, if anything, it shows that losers r heroes if they have good bods, strong heart, great intentions, and someone to tell the tale. yeah the last part is important. else, no one will remember u. NO ONE.

hmmph. that about sums up the film. barely worth the $6.50. too short to pull anyone into the story, too gory to shock, n not enough action for an action film. but enough to entertain. i won't mind watching again, but not if i have to pay for the tickets =p

20 March, 2007

damn it.. amroui is back.

i bought a Sony mp3 player today.
i redeemed a free Timex watch today.
early this morning before i slept, i laid eyes on Hamilton watch. (that watch ROX. the price however...)
i'm irrational. n guys ARE from mars.
i'll never understand girls. worse, i must be from mercury. or jupiter. i can't understand guys either.
i wanna be alone.
i wan a shutout.
but i'm not brave enough. i'm not edwin.
i need ppl.. correction, ambrose needs ppl.
amroui doesn't.
darn it, i'm not suppose to be like this...
but somehow, u noe it will surface.

welcome back amroui.
D.GaD. for those who noe what it means..
i dun wanna get hurt anymore. not over stupid things that ppl won't even bat an eyelid for.
i shdn't be like this, but ambrose is weak. he can't help himself. idiot.

dota is fun... ... ...

always alone...
the way i deserve to be.
thanks amroui. u've taught me well.

i wanna be like amroui. but he's wrong. he's.. unGodly.
but ambrose is a whimp, n not much holier either.
damn u stop reading. i din create this for your reading pleasure! .... off!

"You're only as young as the people you surround yourself with.."

I was told, that the hospital is an unhealthy place not coz it's a congregation of sick ppl, but more coz it's a congregation of the sick, weak, aged, n dying ppl.
n in the company of these sort of personalities, yur energy gets sucked n drained, n u feel older, duller, more... life-less?
whereas in the company of youth, u tend to be more energetic, lively, jubilant.

I dunno how true that is; i'm quite young, but contrary to popular belief, i'm quite a life-less person. "dead" would be an apt description. i can probably suck life outta u... FEAR ME.
how not to? reality is a silent killer. it's everywhere and u can't escape it. u can't run, u can't hide, n slowly but surely, reality champions over idealism. sooner or later, ppl lower their expectations, fall short or lose their dreams, n then they join the club of reality zombies, struggling thru each day, awaiting the next..

R YOU like that? R YOU one of them ZOMBIES?? think about it. if u're worrying about where yur next meal is coming from, u probably r. if u're worrying bout what u'll do after u grad, u probably r. if u're worrying if what u do is enough for the lifestyle u desire, u probably r. if u dress in dull colored depressing clothes that r unrealistic coz sg weather is SUPER HOT.. that's UNREALISTIC, so u're probably not. u're juz a psycho. then u can join my club haha =p

back to topic, forget bout the hospital. one place that sends anyone crashing back to earth: a wake. a funeral. a ceremony to commemorate the passing of a fellow human. a sending off. whatever u wanna call it, it's reality, n it's happening all around us. two wakes, two days in a row. that's enough to sober ANYONE if u're high on life. but hey.. it's a good kick in the ass if u're still dreaming yur life away =p sooo... lets see... wasn't it a mth back? that my uncle passed away? well... sobering indeed. life's short. ouch.

i'm stupid, i'm crazy, i'm blind, i'm a fool, i'm irrational, i can't think. some know the reason y. but i dun care if u do or don't. i want to fix it. or get over it. or do something about it. forget it. i wanna study. correction. i NEED to study.

aik. thank u amroui. thank u blog.
reality check done. i'll get back to studying.

p.s. condolences to those who've had a close one passed on.
it's the least i have to offer.

16 March, 2007

There is Love, and there is Need. and then there's something in between...

God loves us.
We love Him.

So the story goes..
Kinda weird tho, but I don't feel exactly that way.
It feels like i Need Him more than I love Him. It's a weird feeling I can't explain.
Love is something hard to explain, but Need isn't. Need is just that feeling when you have to have something sooo bad..
That's what I feel. Sometimes, when I drift away, I feel.. weird. empty? maybe. It's comforting, to feel Him with you. I guess it's a feeling. I think it is..
I Believe it is.

sooo.... is that... wrong? hmm... i wonder...

side-tracking, I think.. it's time I start looking for a girlfriend.
Like. Seriously? I dunno..
When Aunties, Mum, Family, Friends, GF of Friends start asking you when you're gonna get one, it sounds like the world is echo-ing your thoughts.
but... I dun think I can get one JUST for the SAKE of having one... that's NOT me.
but i think i've found someone already. too bad nothing will come of it.
either i wait, n wait, n wait...
or i move on.

When you get a girlfriend, you get a companion willing to grow with you for that period of time.
During that period of time, should you decide you can grow together for the duration of a lifetime, you sign an agreement, a treaty, a contract. that's called marriage.
Simple, hur?
And divorce is simply an annulment of that prior contract. Though Breeching of contract is always frowned upon, Sometimes, it might be required should the contract not be of one's interest.
Sounds very business-sy, hur?
So.. our old folks were right to matchmake, hur?
Since Marriage is sooo much like a business partnership, a merger, and involves $$, capital, investments... Mayb the old folks were right.

See. There's wisdom in the ages after all.
Thinking out of the box does not mean doing away with the old. Reinvent old concepts. It's more practical than creating whole new ones.. that might be totally impractical.
The old Lee understood that. If not for the fact that he's so dominant over every aspect of Singapore, I'd rever him as a great man.
He's still great, but not right for Singapore. Not now.

There are great man and great things. But at the wrong time, They're worthless.
Imagine a Ferrari. It's a great car yeah? Think of THAT Ferrari in an Orchard Rd jam. Worthless.
Point proven.

kk. chatted enough. Rest well and take care my friends.
No friend of mine should be in a worse state than me. So wake up your bloody idea soldier!

Ambrose n Amroui

15 March, 2007

Back to Square ONE..

Love is so painful.
Love for family,
Love for friends,
Love for.. that kinda love.
I hate it.

I hate what I was,
I hate what I am,
I hate what I will be,
I hate what I HAVE to be.

How can a person like anything when a person hates so much?
How can a person be filled be so much anger and hate?

Mayb pple can get addicted to anger. I think i've blogged it down b4... somewhere..
Not that I am, really..
I mean..
I think...

whatever =p

Many Many things to do, so little time.
So much time wasted.
Run away n hide.
In my little world.
The world of my stories, my books, my fantasies.

Grow up. M I old? or much too young? I wonder.
We all die someday. Why not today?
NO. not today. I've much yet to do.

07 March, 2007

pursuit of happYness

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

- quoted from Declaration of Independence
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson
Signed, July 4th, 1776

"It was then that I wonder, why Mr Jefferson chose to pen 'pursuit of Happiness', and not Happiness. Is it that all we're ever meant to do is to pursue Happiness? And never attain it?"

- quoted from Pursuit of HappYness
Actor Will Smith as Chris Gardner

Man derives Happiness through contentedness and satisfaction, and such things cannot be attained merely as Being. One must go on a journey, and what some calls a journey, others call a pursuit. There is no true joy in the pursuit of monetary wealth, but there is true joy in what that wealth can bring to others. You cannot give happiness. You give so You can attain happiness. And to do that, you need to have something to give in the 1st place =p so pursue your dreams, pursue HappYness =p

"Let no one tell you what you cannot do. Not even me. If you want something, you do all you can to get it. If you have dreams, you let them fly."

- quoted (as best remembered) from Pursuit of HappYness
Actor Will Smith as Chris Gardner

Thanks for watching with me today. Loved the show, and loved your company ;)
sleepy... but happy... =)
p.s. I still can't stand the cold.. brrr!

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i was never a proficient one at leetspeak, but been a gamer for the past... ... 6yrs?? has taught me a few stuff. =p
for your entertainment pleasures. check this out >>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet ^_^
enjoyz =D