31 October, 2007


Hello! This is a Bump Post.

Life's ok. No worries!
Struggling with addiction again. Must be more focused.
Short Soci essay due this Friday. Must start.

Economics! Lemme introduce you to Paul Krugmen. Don't understand? Wanna learn more? READ. Honestly, I still don't understand most concepts, even in the most laymen terms. I can appreciate, but I guess I'm too much of a sponge to analyse and criticize. Grab his books if you have time to spare. Economics is probably another one of those things you can just read and talk about all day.. like politics and sociology and psychology.

Speaking of psychology... Milgram's Experiment. Read it. Search for videos of it. It may not shock you, but you'll definitely have your eyes opened. This btw is under Social Psychology.. the individual's perspective of a social phenomenom. Looking at it from a Sociological point of view though... I can't think of anything intellectual about that atm.


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21 October, 2007

Things we learn in school - Causality

In the beginning, as far as we can tell, causality was not problematic. The urge to ask WHY and the capacity to find causal explanations came very early in human development. The bible, for example, tells us that just a few hours after tasting from the tree of knowledge, Adam is already an expert in causal arguments. When God asks: "Did you eat from that tree?" This is what Adam replies: "The woman whom you gave to be with me, She handed me the fruit from the tree; and I ate." Eve is just as skillful: "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

The thing to notice about this story is that God did not ask for explanation, only for the facts: It was Adam who felt the need to explain - the message is clear, causal explanation is a man-made concept. Another interesting point about the story: explanations are used exclusively for passing responsibilities. Indeed, for thousands of years explanations had no other function. Therefore, only Gods, people and animals could cause things to happen, not objects, events or physical processes.

quoted from "The Art and Science of Cause and Effect". A lecture by Judea Pearl.

Cool. :)

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17 October, 2007

Mr Wiggles

everyone loves Mr Wiggles.
who doesn't? o.O

p.s. check out http://www.warcraftpets.com/ ^_^

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I hate living a lie. My memory's hazy. Everything I think they were, aren't. Some things I thought were there, weren't.
On checking some hard records, I've found that quite a chunk of my memory is warped. Inaccurate. LIES. I can't tell what's true anymore. All this while I've been trying not to tell lies, and I find out that everything I say may just be a lie.. I just don't know it yet.
I should just shut up. I can't tell past from present, or if the past even occured; dreams from reality even.. the lines are blurred.. so blurred I can't tell the difference anymore.
Sleep. Maybe that's why it's the only thing I'm most inclined to do. Sleep, and run away. heh. even nowadays I can't get a decent sleep. I keep having dreams I can't remember.. I don't remember having dreams in my sleep.. or do I?
Gahh! Why oh Why must I be a Walking Lie! A hypocrite! They were right all along! oh they were so right to call me so. It wasn't them who were wrong, it was me..

I've applied for a transfer to FASS. I don't know what the outcome will be. I'd like people to pray for me. I wish I'd pray for myself. I can't help anybody if I can't help myself.. but oh, Ambrose always likes to do things he can't do 1st. Ambrose skips steps. Ambrose is impatient. That's why Ambrose is stuck in No Man's Land.. where he belongs.

One day.. driftin away.. I might find myself in a wonderland, never sleeping, never waking.. that day feels soon.. I hope not. Do I?

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05 October, 2007

Shyt I failed my Macroecons Midterm...

As above. Failed. Not last in cohort, but very bad. 14/30. First Failure of the semester. Heh.

NO MORE. There will BE no more.
*unsheathes two katanas and pose* =p

KK. Study time. Lets grind that result out :)
I MUST DO WELL this sem..

*hmm.. why katanas? ... coz i don't think an image of me dual-wielding any blades longer or broader than that is realistic. heck! i doubt i can even handle ONE katana. urm.. katana = 2.5 - 3ft samurai blade right? the usual primary weapon? not those manga-style 4-6ft blades wor (think Samurai Kyo's ie. 鬼眼狂刀 blade).. nor sephiroth's 7ft blade (or izzet 9ft?)*

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01 October, 2007

It's here! My new CD is here!

The CD I ordered on Ebay is here! "The Silent Force" by Within Temptation. :) So excited and happy! Gonna pass it to KhengHoe on Wed. We're sharing this CD man.. this is OUR CD ^^ bwahaha!
This is also my FIRST online transaction of a physical 货! WoW subscription and other payments do not count, so this is my first, and through Ebay! ^^ This gives me confidence in conducting more Ebay transactions =D I'm just Soooo happy and excited ^^ and feeling stupid at my childishness too haha =p

Since I'm blogging today, I might as well post a birthday wishlist, lest people wanna buy me stuff =p Now, I strongly DISCOURAGE people buying me stuff (coz I noe neither of us want to do it - me receiving and you giving =p), but if you do decide to, kindly take your pick from the list below (preferably with your economic well-being in mind, coz the "happiness" ie. utility gained by me from the receipt of the present is the same regardless of your choice =) )

1) Any LinkinPark Album
2) Any Evanescence Album
3) Secret (不能说的秘密) OST or DVD
4) Music & Lyrics DVD
5) Howl's Moving Castle DVD (and any StudioGlibi films after this ^^)
6) Any Dance CD that you think I like.. (Best100Dance Compiliation looks good)
7) WarcraftIII Battlechest
8) A 19 (or 19-half) break cue
9) Any new addition to my wardrobe (that you think will make me look good =p)
10) Addidas Predator Soccer Boots - blades, 2nd generation.. i think, size10 (i'll love you lots lots if you give me this one haha! even though i won't use it often =,='")

when's my birthday? ai... i forgot =p
i'm a libra though soo... :)

just for fun, these are the more expensive wish list.. although items 7,8,10 are also expensive.. =p
1) Final Fantasy OSTs or orchestra (already have FF8, FF9, FFcollection, FF7, FF7:AC)
2) Final Fantasy XII, FFXIII
3) PS3
4) PSP
told ya.. these are expensive =p original, not pirated of course =p

*edit: items in black font are out of list. got 'em already ^^*

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