01 October, 2007

It's here! My new CD is here!

The CD I ordered on Ebay is here! "The Silent Force" by Within Temptation. :) So excited and happy! Gonna pass it to KhengHoe on Wed. We're sharing this CD man.. this is OUR CD ^^ bwahaha!
This is also my FIRST online transaction of a physical 货! WoW subscription and other payments do not count, so this is my first, and through Ebay! ^^ This gives me confidence in conducting more Ebay transactions =D I'm just Soooo happy and excited ^^ and feeling stupid at my childishness too haha =p

Since I'm blogging today, I might as well post a birthday wishlist, lest people wanna buy me stuff =p Now, I strongly DISCOURAGE people buying me stuff (coz I noe neither of us want to do it - me receiving and you giving =p), but if you do decide to, kindly take your pick from the list below (preferably with your economic well-being in mind, coz the "happiness" ie. utility gained by me from the receipt of the present is the same regardless of your choice =) )

1) Any LinkinPark Album
2) Any Evanescence Album
3) Secret (不能说的秘密) OST or DVD
4) Music & Lyrics DVD
5) Howl's Moving Castle DVD (and any StudioGlibi films after this ^^)
6) Any Dance CD that you think I like.. (Best100Dance Compiliation looks good)
7) WarcraftIII Battlechest
8) A 19 (or 19-half) break cue
9) Any new addition to my wardrobe (that you think will make me look good =p)
10) Addidas Predator Soccer Boots - blades, 2nd generation.. i think, size10 (i'll love you lots lots if you give me this one haha! even though i won't use it often =,='")

when's my birthday? ai... i forgot =p
i'm a libra though soo... :)

just for fun, these are the more expensive wish list.. although items 7,8,10 are also expensive.. =p
1) Final Fantasy OSTs or orchestra (already have FF8, FF9, FFcollection, FF7, FF7:AC)
2) Final Fantasy XII, FFXIII
3) PS3
4) PSP
told ya.. these are expensive =p original, not pirated of course =p

*edit: items in black font are out of list. got 'em already ^^*

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