14 December, 2008

Order and Authority

"..for those who will defend authority against rebellion must not themselves rebel."
- The Silmarillion; J.R.R. Tolkien. Chapter 6: Of FĂ«anor and the unchaining of Melkor , pg 66.

I kinda like this. It speaks sense to me. ;) There's alot more to life that needs learning, and alot more to unlearn the older I grow.. This is but one.


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04 December, 2008

Streets of Fire

Added two songs from my childhood fave movie, Streets of Fire. The songs are "Nowhere Fast" and "Tonight is what it means to be young". Produced in the year I was born, I remember watching this on SBC (yes it was THAT long ago haha). My family loves it, we taped it, and now we have the DVD *grins from ear to ear*.
Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did :)

Edit: To clarify interpretation, we have had the DVD for quite awhile now, at least a year or two (I think). It's not a recent procurement, contrary to what the sentence above suggests ;p

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01 December, 2008

Standard deviation of Odds Ratio...

. . . is sqrt[1/a + 1/b + 1/c + 1/d], where a,b,c,d are cells of a 2x2 table.
Why couldn't I remember this during my exam... GRRR...
good luck to me! for my econs paper later...

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