24 November, 2008
15 November, 2008
FW: so sad ignore this and you're a bastard as well
In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, tooka dog from the street,tied
him to a rope in an art gallery, and starvedhim to death.
For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful 'masterpiece' based on the dog's agony, until eventually he died.
Does it look like art to you?
But this is not all... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the 'installation' was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008. ...
This is quite a straightforward decision, isn't it? Animal Cruelty, hidden within the sanctuary we call ART. Is art truly blind to ethics? Can one, for the sake of art, lose one's humanity? I questioned that, and my answer is: NO. Art isn't blind to humanity; ART expresses what it means to be human. The only definition of ART lies in how we define ourselves.
So I read up abit, and these sites turned up. Do take time to read through some of the comments on the 3rd link from hubpages.com. And here's a few things I've learned.
1) We, as members of the human race, are hypocritical beings. Anyone who isn't either isn't human, isn't alive, or is God.
2) A majority of the human race are hateful creatures. We react foremost with Hate before any other emotions. Where, then, do we find space in our hearts for Love?
3) The influence of the mass media has greatly expanded within the last century. The reach and accessibility of mass media has developed to an extent where the absence of democracy is all but impossible. The rule of the masses predicted by Plato is currently seen in play, and there's nothing we can do to arrest this epidemic.
4) We're all selfish beings. We all want to be seen doing the right thing, but we don't necessarily want to be the ones DOING them.
p.s. if you'd like me to forward the email to you, just drop a comment with your email. Thanks.
p.p.s. if you'd like to flame me for any reason at all, please leave your name behind as well. it's only courteous to not hide behind the veil of anonymity.
Labels: animal cruelty, art, chain mail, humanity, hypocrisy, life, people, petition
06 November, 2008
Demigod is a new game, with expected release March 2009. This is the recently announced new release date as they've pushed back release to fix a few multi-player balance issues. I hope AI doesn't disappoint, but the gameplay sounds fun ^^
In fact, it sounds a bit like DotA. lol. here's the link to the game's official website. http://www.demigodthegame.com/
And here's a link to GameSpy's Preview.
Enjoy. ;)
02 November, 2008
Kazemakaze Tsukikage Ran
Enjoy! :)
p.s. Did I mention? The samurai is female o.O COOL huh?!
Labels: anime, Tsukikage Ran