14 September, 2006

Loot Crisis. WoW gamers take note.

With the recent patch1.12, there's been an influx of fist combat rogues all around. given the versatility of the combat spec, many more r finding their way back to the rogue combat tree, be it pvp or pve.
however, due to either a blizz overlook or blizz's intentional added spice into our raiding life, we have been gifted a shortage of fist weapon drops, especially good OH fists. hence comes the dilemna: should fist rogues be considered feasible? should fist rogues, just as sword rogues n dagger rogues b4, be given 1st priority only to the spec of their choice?
granted, i'm a lazy n sentimental rogue. i love my swords/blades n i can't bear to part with them (tho i have a OH claw n m hoping to get a lobotomizer one day haha) but i can't ever imagine a rogue using a claw. yes the dps is good, but we've already gotten 1st priority on equally good swords. i see no reason y we should deprive warriors of their claws (we got their swords n daggers already).
fist rogues complain that there're no available offhand that matches up to the mainhand fist they have available, hence they have every right to roll for a sword offhand. but is that not deprivin a fellow sword rogue of a much needed sword upgrade or a warrior of a dps/tanking weapon (claw)?
IMO, tradition should be adhered, n fists n axes should go to warriors, while swords n daggers should go to rogues, with 2nd priority be shared by all(n either). yes this might be denying players of their desired spec, but when a desired spec is detrimental to a guild, what will u choose? guild or spec?
warriors have waited forever to dw. if they can't get their hands on our swords, at least let them have fists. it's a compromise. else there's no reason y rogues have 1st roll on swords. the fact is warriors have a wider weapon range than rogues. but if rogues start expanding our weapon choices n versatility, then it defeats the argument.
this is what i say: fist weapons r equal to sword/dagger rogues, but no better. u need skill to bring out the max potential of your character. it doesn't matter if u got a vis'kag/bb or a claw of black drake/maladath. if u don't play it well, my bb/warblade combo can easily win u in the dps department.
eg. CTS/bb rogue vs AQripper/CTS rogue. my fren can outdps the AQripper rogue. 'nuff said. it's the skill that counts. if u dun stay alive, if u dun control aggro, if u dun maximise dps, then even if i gave u the best weapons in wow, u'll still suck.
so disregard my useless examples n nonsensical blabber. final point i wanna nail home is, stick to your spec. n keep it as sword/dagger pls. else for 1 fist rogue, the other sword/dagger rogues may suffer the consequences of waiting longer for upgrades. coz it's not fair that a fury warr orientated equip be given to a rogue. CTS is just in the next room!! would u rather have a CTS MH? or a Claw? u decide gamers. u decide.
p.s. dun cry when i get my hands on a CTS 1st. i'll pwn yur asses in dps. so hard u'll cry before i'm done. mapping out equip gathering is not about grabbing every available upgrade. it's about getting the max out of your upgrades. i skip vis'kag n maladath coz i got warblade. else i'll get vis'kag haha. now i'll wait for CTS, then skip AQripper for Ilbis in Naxx. Yes i'm impatient, but i'm not gonna rob others of an equip just coz it's an upgrade of smth i got not long b4. CTS/Ilbis = God-like.


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